全自动培养基平皿分装系统 自动平皿分装培养基
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全自动培养基平皿分装系统 自动平皿分装培养基 ![]()
一次可以分装大量培养基平皿,使得培养基平皿分装智能化、标准化、自动化。 It can fill media into plenty of empty petri dishes one time. Keep the dispense procedure intelligent, standard and automated.
可以将处于保温状态的培养基自动分装到平皿及分装后自动平皿叠加。 AMD system dispense the sterile hear retaining media pumped into the empty dishes through sterile tube automatically. Also loading filled dishes into the carrousel automatically.
可大幅度减少操作人员工作量,定量精准。 Reduce staff workload, quantitative accuracy.
分装区域受紫外线保护,避免空气中微生物的污染。 Filling area protect by UV, avoiding containment from air.
是微生物实验的得力帮手。 It is a powerful assistant for lab.
AMD280 和 AMD110 供选择,配合使用90mm培养皿 其他尺寸平皿分装,接受定制。 Have AMD280 and AMD110 for choice, match with 90mm petri dishes.