吉沃 水中微生物膜过滤系统/Microbial Filtration System 是用于微生物检查或其他溶液过滤,主要是由过滤装置(过滤支架、过滤杯)结合外置无油隔膜真空泵组成。本系统在使用时,将滤膜放置于滤头上,并用滤杯固定密封,形成一个完整的过滤装置。基于薄膜过滤法的原理,将样品溶液与微生物(或所需的微粒物质)分离,并将微生物或微粒物质截留于滤膜上,将滤膜转移到培养基上,置于培养箱培养,然后进行菌落计数和鉴定。 Microbial membrane filtration system applies to microbial test or other solutions which need filter. It is made up of filtration device (filtration support +funnel) and vacuum pump. During using this product, place the membrane on the filter head, fixed it tightly by pressing funnel to form an integrated filtration device. based on the principle of membrane filtration, separate the test liquid from microbe (or required particle material), and retain the microbe or particle material on the membrane, transfer membrane on the culture medium, and lay it into the incubator, then colony count and observe.
使用领域/Application 1.疾控:军团菌检验,公共场所用水、食品等微生物检测 2.制药:制药用水、药品和原辅料的微生物限度检查、化学分析 3.食品饮料:瓶装水、桶装水、啤酒、饮料和生产过程中用到的液体原料 4.化工、化妆品、电子行业等微生物过滤检测 5.质量监督检验 6.水厂、城市排供水 - Disease Control: Microbiological test for legionella,the public water and food. - Pharmaceutical Industries: Microbial limit test and chemical analysis for pharmaceutical water, drugs and raw material. - Food & Beverage: Bottled water, water in container, beer, beverage and raw material of liquid applied in production process. - Filtration treatment in chemical, cosmetic, electron industries. - Quality supervision inspection. - Water plant, water supply and sewerage.