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培养基分装系统Media Dispensing System
产品: 浏览次数:934培养基分装系统Media Dispensing System 
品牌: 吉沃
产品名称: 培养基分装系统
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-05-31 16:27
培养基分装系统Media Dispensing System 

    高品质的培养基,对实验室的实验结果起到非常重要的作用, 各种无菌培养基的自动分装非常必要。保证实验室稳定可靠的实验数据的同时,还提高实验室的效率和降低人力成本。公司现有AMD系列全自动培养基分装系统和HMD系列半自动培养基分装仪,专门解决实验室培养基制备问题。


-人工分装培养基: 分装的培养基量不均匀、工作强度大、效率低、易污染培养基

-购买成品培养基: 成本高、保质期短(长不能超过6个月)、频繁采购、运输储存条件要求高(2-25 度避光),尤其运输过程,需要冷链运输。  

-培养基分装系统: 全自动分装、效率高、不易污染、解决大批量储运条件限制问题。




◎ 系统三个部分组成:主控制系统、培养皿离合系统、培养皿库架               

◎ 5.7寸触摸屏+智能操作系统,友善的操作界面,使用方便          

◎ 培养皿库架和培养皿离合系统转盘采用硬质铝合金,拆装更加轻便

◎ 培养皿库架有280皿或400皿两种规格供选择(特殊规格可定制)

◎ 蠕动泵采用自动回吸的防滴漏设计,避免培养基滴漏在平皿外面

◎ 分装体积1-1000ml,分装精度小于1%,分装280皿的库架所需时间不超过25分钟

◎ 快速校准分装量,可自行设置参数确定适合的分装程序,并存储不同的分装程序,分装时调用相应程序即可开始运行

◎ 分装舱内置有紫外灭菌灯,降低培养基污染风险

◎ 具有设备故障报警及自查功能,便于快速查找故障并修复









◎ 三种模式分装:连续分装、单次分装、多次分装      

◎ 大尺寸摸屏,简单的操作导航界面,操作方便,可储存30种分装程序                 
◎ 配有脚踏开关,操控自如                                           
◎ 可用于平皿、试管及其它容器                                                                                        

◎ 设有系统校准程序,校准操作简便,确保精准的分装量

◎ 分装体积1-1000ml,分装精度小于1% 

Media Dispensing System  

For laboratories involved in culture media preparation, sterile dispensing is essential for successful downstream applications and to meet quality requirements. Furthermore, as a growing need for cost saving and performance improvements exists, a reliable worl flow is necessary. These requirements creat a strong demand for medium dispensing system that allows reliable walk-way operation and at the same time fulfils quality requirements. AMD series  and HMD series are developed to meet these needs. 


Solve existing problem 

1. Dispensing media by person —Nonuniformity dose, heavy working intensity, poor efficiency and easy contamination.

2. Purchase prepared media —High cost, short shelf life(max. not more than 6months),  frequency purchase, high storage requirement for transportation(2- 25 degree protect from light), especially, required for cold-chain transportation.
3. Media dispensing system —Automated dispensing, high efficiency, eliminating source of contamination, solve the limited condition problem of big batch storage and transporation.

Automated AMD series

Parameter and Feature
◎ Composed by three parts: Main control system, rotor system and carrousel   

◎ 5.7inch touch screen and intelligent operation system, easy handling. 

◎ The material of rotor and carrousel are adopts hard aluminum alloy, easy to disassemble.

◎ Two types of carrousel for choice: 280 petri dishes and 400 petri dishes(accept customized).

◎ Peristaltic pump adopts automated resorption anti-spill design, avoiding media dro outside. 

◎ Dispensing volume from 1-1000ml, its precision is less than 1%. Dispensing 280 petri dishes in less than 25minutes.

◎Fast calibrate dispensing volume, can set parameter as need for suitable dispensing program, and different dispensing programs can be stored. Operate them by choicing the one you need.

◎ The dispensing zone is protected by UV rays.
◎ Havin fault alarm and self-check function, fast to find fault and repair.

Semi-automated HMD series 

HMD series semi-automated media dispensing device can dispense media, agar , buffer and other liquid. Instead of pouring by hand, high precision avoiding nonuniformity dose, reduce the risk of contamination, and high effeciency.


Parameter and Feature
◎ Three modes: Continuous dispensing, single dispensing and multiple dispensing.

◎ The intuitive and full size graphical user interface makes it easy to control functions. Can store 30 types of dispensing program.  

◎ Supply pedal switch, convenient for control.

◎ Suitable for petri dish, tube and other containers.

◎ Setting with system calibration program. Its operation is to ////confirm/i/i/i/i precise dispensing volume.

◎ Dispensing volume from 1-1000ml, its precision is less than 1%. 
